In December 2007 we met a woman named Petra from Prague at a Christmas Party in London. She was on her way to New Zealand for a 3-month trip and we told her to get in touch with my family in Wellington. She did and ended up staying with them for 5 days. She then went up to Te Kaha in the Bay of Plenty to stay with more of my relations there and since then had emailed us endlessly about coming to visit her. So we did. She met us at the airport and drove us back through the city to her office. She gave us a cell phone to use whilst there and we agreed to meet up later on that evening when she would take us to meet her friends for dinner. Olivia and I caught the local underground (metro) into the centre of Prague and started exploring.
Petra called us and we met up and then walked through the city. It was so stunning and the camera virtually didn’t stop snapping.
We ended up at a restaurant called ‘U Vejvodu’ which was nothing short of amazing.
Most of the women at our table were drinking a local dark beer, which is apparently good for the breasts so Olivia decided that she had better have one of those too. I settled for a pilsner and the massive glasses they came in had me smiling from ear to ear. For dinner Petra recommended that Olivia have a Czech lamb dish and I have the ribs. She was right on the money. They were scrumptous. When we had finished we went for a walk through Prague and when we got to the Town square were absolutely blown away by everything. It was so stunning all lit up at night and you could see why Walt Disney had based his famous castle on the one here as it was truly magical. We then met up with our friends from London Greg and Ana and went to an Aussie bar for a quiet drink.
After organising that we meet up the next day whilst sightseeing, we all went home for bed.
We caught the bus and tram into town the next morning to check out some of the sights. We decided to start back at the Town Square so that we could see it in the daylight. The Church of Our Lady Before Tyn dominates one side of the Old Town Square. It's a powerful looking Gothic church with a baroque interior. The Old Town Hall Tower & Astronomical Clock are opposite the church and are also fabulous, it's such a beautiful square - fairytale like!After endless wandering around the little lanes we ended up back at the Town Square and decided that it was beer o’clock and sat down at one of the pubs for a rest.
Greg and Ana met us there and we told them about ‘U Vejvodu’ and said that we would love to take them there for lunch. So after a bit more exploring we arrived back at ‘U Vejvodu’ for what was another incredible meal. Ana had ghoulash, Olivia had a yummy anti-pasto and soup, Greg had the ribs and I got a kilo knuckle of pork. When our meat arrived Greg and I got out our cameras and took some video clips of them and the girls just rolled their eyes at us.
After lunch we caught the tram up to check out Prague Castle and the monastery that sit atop the hill overlooking the city. An undercover tram guard asked us if we had tickets and Ana and Greg handed theirs over. They had bought tickets that were valid for 24 hours and according to the guard they were expired by some 35 minutes or so. He then demanded 70 Crowns each as a fine. They had no choice but to pay this. Luckily for us we had valid tickets so we escaped that penalty. The castle was amazing especially the monastery and the view from up there was awesome. We had a big walk around up there before walking down the big hill back in to town.
That night we met up with Petra and she took us to another restaurant where we met some more of her friends. After another delightful meal we all went nextdoor to a nightclub for a night of dancing. Not long after a Sri Lankan workmate of Petra’s called Vajira arrived with his friend Tomas. He took us up to the bar and got us some shots of some local drink and it seemed like every time we turned around he would be saying time for another one aye? Needless to say we had a great night that night and he said that he would love to catch up with us again before we went back to London.
The next day was another day filled with sightseeing. We spent a large part of the day around Charles Bridge on the river. It's a very romantic sight and was nice to stroll across although it is of course vert touristy with lots of people selling art etc. We had some nice wines at a bar overlooking the bridge. There are also great views of the castle from the riverside.
Cheb & Františkovy Lázně, Czech Republic
Petra had taken a couple of days off work so she could take us to her hometown to meet her parents and stay with her Mum. So the next day we got in her mates car and headed off with her cousin for Cheb. We were about two thirds of the way there when we heard this almighty bang and felt the car lurch. She stopped driving and I looked out my window and saw that the wheel had come off the hub and was grinding against the undercarriage. We were so lucky that we had been driving slowly up an incline and that nothing more serious happened. She called her father and he got a local mechanic to come out to take a look. I changed the tire and put on the space saver spare and her parents came out to meet us on the road. We got into her Dad’s car and she drove the other car to her Mum’s place in Cheb. Her Mum had cooked some local specialties for dinner and as you can imagine it was outstanding.
The area where she lives is famous in the Czech Republic for spas and treatment centres. Unfortunately we were unable to get booked in for the whole spa treatment that day but the massage was so good. In former days Europe’s royalty would visit Frantiskovy Lazne and stay at one of the spas to utilise the healing properties of the natural spring water of the area.
The architecture there is incredible and there are buildings that have been operating as spas for centuries.
We all went for a walk in F.L and Olivia was told to rub the stomach of a statue of a little boy as it’s supposed to bring good luck with future pregnancies. We also got to try some of the spring water from one of the many fountains and to be honest they were really salty and quite foul. We finally stopped at a hotel that Petra’s father used to manage when she was a child and had hot chocolate there. Petra’s mother disappeared and came back with some three packets of these special wafers that are particular to that area as a present for us that was a pleasant surprise for us both.
When we got back to her Mum’s house Petra suggested that we go to a local pub near to her house where we would meet one of her childhood friends. It was called the ‘Royal Taps’ and it was a really cool bar. Basically you sat at a table that has its own taps. Each of you gets a glass and then you fill your glass as you drink it.
At the end of the night or when you have finished they tally up how much you have had and then you pay that bill. The cool thing is though that there is a big screen with all the table numbers listed on it. Each time that you fill up another glass that volume is added to your table. When you fill a virtual glass on the screen an animated man comes walks across the screen and then puts a tally mark next to your table name. If your tally becomes higher than the table above you move up the ranking. (paste video clip here) We had so much fun at this bar as you can imagine.
After that we sat up in the lounge talking and I played on the guitar that was in the lounge. Petra’s mother got out a special bottle of vodka that he brought from Russia and had been saving for a special occasion and we had a few shots of this and all the while she was making an apple strudel from scratch. The smell of fresh baking filled her flat and we couldn’t wait to try some the next morning.
After breakfast the next day we went to the hotel that Petra’s father managed for a massage. It was fabulous! Then we drove back to Prague and on the way stopped at the Krusovice brewery for a quick look and toilet stop.
Petra had taken an extra day off work so we could go and see her friend Jana at her place and we went over there for what was supposed to be afternoon tea (or so we thought). When we got to their place we met Jana's partner Radim who plays basketball for one of the local Men's teams and must be at least 6 ft 10. He was seated when we came into their kitchen and we he stood up to greet us he just seemed to keep going up and up! He was massive! We also had the pleasure of meeting their daughter and Olivia absolutely loved that! Radim had gone out to buy some local cake treats and Jana brought out this massive box of all these incredible cakes and pastries for us to try. Talk about decadent. To go with it she offered us a coffee and then a shot of a local plum brandy called slivovice which her grandmother had made. It was delcious. We then had some port and decided to have a couple more as you do.

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